Burton Bradstock Commemorates VJ Day& Celebrates End of World War II

Exhibition ‘The Forgotten War’ Saturday 13 August 2005
Derek Parsons

1943 With Survey Regiment in Cromer.
April - Embarked Liverpool as Captain in Royal Artillery and sailed on the Britannic "a great liner and cheap drinks". Had no idea where he was going but guessed it was 8th Army in N. Africa.
May - Stuck in Capetown the Britannic having broken down earlier in mid Atlantic.
May/June - Embarked troopship and still not told destination. Studied compass after passing the Cape of Good Hope and found they were heading for Bombay (India).
Summer - Regiment in transit camp at Deolali (India). (This had been a mental home and this is where the word "doolally" comes from.). Troops had to take Mepacrin every day against Malaria (everyone turned yellow), and salt tablets as it was so hot and humid.

Derek's speech (Flash movie)

Audio Interview with Derek Parsons, with Susan Moores, recollecting his memories of WW2 (mp3)